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Webinar - Efficient use of funds and target group analysis for NPOs using self-organizing maps (SOMs)

In German-speaking countries, donations are an important instrument for promoting and financing many charitable projects of non-profit organizations. Whether it's the local animal shelter, regional aid organizations for disaster victims or globally active organizations such as Greenpeace or Amnesty International. But donations rarely flow by themselves. Association members or volunteers need to be supported. In other words, in addition to the actual project work, a lot of time and money has to be invested in acquiring and retaining donors, members and volunteers - in other words, in fundraising.

This generates huge amounts of data, the potential of which would remain hidden without proper documentation and analysis. While large organizations employ in-house analysts who deal exclusively with the evaluation of this treasure trove of data, other NPOs usually do not have the necessary personnel and sufficient financial resources, which is why they are dependent on external partnerships.

And this is exactly where our tool, Viscovery SOMine, comes in: Self-organizing maps (SOMs) can be used to analyse donation behaviour, visualize it in an appealing way, understand it better and subsequently optimize the results in the long term.

Using an anonymized data set from a service provider, Viscovery SOMine was able to achieve highly interesting results that can also be methodically transferred to your industry and your applications.

In a free webinar in cooperation with Cloud und Rüben gGmbH, we would like to present the results and the potential of Viscovery SOMine for your company / organization.


September 25, 2024, 11 a.m.

October 08, 2024, 12 noon

(same content on both dates)

The webinar will take place online and can be accessed via the following link

If you are interested in getting an overview of the test results before the webinar begins, you can read them here:

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

We look forward to your participation!


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