‘Trust is a statement about the future. That's why so many people trust ex-President Trump, he's authentic. In times of constant communication, it is impossible to constantly pretend. The model of the rational, emotionless bureaucrat has had its day and is no longer convincing,’ says futurologist Dr Florence Gaub.
As part of the Munich Security Conference in February 2024, our founder and CEO, Katharina Schüller, joined Dr Florence Gaub and Zoé von Finck at Salon Luitpold to discuss the probabilities of nuclear bombs being used, possible apocalypse scenarios and information hygiene.
‘Many decision-makers don't even know how to switch off the tracking system on their mobile phones; fear also clouds our view of risks and leads to wrong decisions. The media often misquote and misinterpret statistics. The biggest risk in times of disinformation - fuelled by generative AI - is therefore the lack of data and AI literacy,’ observes statistician and AI expert Katharina Schüller. She concludes: ‘A basic course in data literacy could help.’ So is the increasing disinformation due to a lack of data and AI literacy the reason for the population's dwindling trust in politics?
Finally, things get philosophical - Dr Florence Gaub criticises the prevailing mood in Germany: ‘Either things stay as they are or we all die. But how do we want to be?’ Listen in.
Last year, the trio discussed a key question: ‘Could we lose Africa?’. You can find the corresponding podcast episode from MSC 2023 here: https://ichbinsofrei.podigee.io/38-ibsof
Background information:
Podcast, feedback, comments etc.: Guest requests, comments: https://www.instagram.com/ich.bin.so.frei/
Non-profit organisation: www.ich-bin-so-frei.org